Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Tin Can Lanterns

The most important thing about making these lanterns out of tin cans is to make sure they are solid, filled with water and frozen, so the can doesn't dent.  As you punch your holes some ice will break off.  Keep working until the support is no longer there or until desired look is achieved.  You may want to use gloves as you work, to protect yourself slightly from the hammer, and the holes you punch will be sharp on the inside.  You can easily be cut if not careful if you rub your fingers over the jags in the inside.

1.  Fill empty can with water and freeze until solid.

2.  Print out pattern (more can be found as you Google tin can lantern designs).

3.  Tape to can so it will not move.

4.  Using a hammer and nail, punch each hole.  Notice that some designs require different size nails.

5.  With wire cutters and wire you can add a handle if desired.  Punch a hole on both sides near the top.  Feed a heavy wire through both, leaving the handle the desired length.  It must be twisted on both ends to keep from moving.  Cut wire either near or leaving a tail.  If you leave a tail, wrap it around a pencil to leave a curly tail.

6.  When finished dump ice and remove pattern as you should.  Put tools away.  Make sure lamp is allowed to dry.  It can be spray pained if you plan to leave it outside for any length of time to cut down the rusty process.

7.  Fill bottom of can with a little sand to make it a bit heavier and to give a solid, secure base to place a small electric candle in.  Light as needed.  With parental supervision, a candle may also be used.  Make sure to put in a secure location so the sand doesn't spill and the fire doesn't tip over causing a disaster.

8.  If you want to get holiday crazy, you can put a rectangular piece of cellophane in the inside to give the light a color.  Cellophane is colored, transparent so the light will shine through the color.

(This pattern was a bit much for their attention span.  But they had fun for about 45 minutes.  Punch about every other hole for younger girls)

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